Tuesday, September 3, 2013

All things worked for our good

Two years ago, as far as I can remember, I endured one of the hardest parts of my life – letting go of my first love. Hard as it is, it took time for me to move on. It was not easy. I struggled a lot. I hurt a couple of people and disappointed a lot of my friends. Then and there, God paved the way for me, to excel in school and in other ways. God taught me how it is to be a volunteer teacher for teens during Sabbath School. I conquered some of my fears. I begun to sang songs (well, I know I am not really good at it.) I learned how was it to be a big sister, a mother and a friend to my younger siblings. God taught me great lessons – from school to family. I may still be at the crossroads but I continued to have faith in God.

As far as I can remember, I know the first meeting was a disaster – awkward. I was kind of bitter but I begun to know why.  I was not ready that time either to see him or to talk to him. Everything came pouring because people tried to push us together and that made me mad. But I tried to evaluate myself that time – there was none. There are no more feelings left. And no, nothing is between us anymore. 

Last week, we got to talk. I thought meeting him for the second time would turn to be another disaster. But, I was wrong. The conversation went smoothly. All things were cleared. Now, I know that sometimes, people need to talk. I am happy that we are good – good friends.

Moreover, it's nice to know that some things are better now. Past done. Present-here I come! Thank you GOD!
Just like a famous song, says...
All things work for our good though sometimes we don't see how they could. Struggles that break our hearts in two, sometimes blind us to the truth. Our Father knows what's best for us His ways are not our own. So when your pathway grows dim and you just don't see him, remember you’re never alone. God is too wise to be mistaken. God is too good to be unkind. So, when you don't understand, when don't see his plan, when you can't trace his hand, trust His Heart.
Every heartbreak, every struggle, all makes us stronger. It is God's way of saying, I am here and I won't let you fall. I will be there all the way and I won't leave you behind.

Time goes and changes come. We don’t know what the future holds. But the best thing is – to take things slow. Prioritize the priorities. Face the problems that are right in front of you. Keep looking up to God. If it’s meant to be, it will be. All in God’s time.

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